A roundup of stuff I’ve written recently, here and there:
For Canadian Business, I interviewed Major Marc Dauphin, a military physician who was the last Canadian to head up the Role 3 hospital at Kandahar Airfield. It was a seriously fascinating chat, I wish we could have printed the entire conversation. Instead, you’ll have to be satisVirfied with this piece.
That interview took place the day after I served as MC at the launch of Fawzia Koofi’s book in Toronto, which I wrote about on the blog. I also got irritated with John Ibbitson’s suggestion that Stephen Harper has a coherent foreign policy, let alone something that could be elevated to the status of a doctrine.
For the print edition of Maclean’s, I wrote about Toronto’s war on fun, which was in many ways just an excuse to grind a well-worn axe about the need to provide immigrants with the opportunity to properly integrate. That said, all the evidence suggests that Canadian multiculturalism is doing just fine, despite what Muslim-baiters like Geert Wilders and his estate agents over at Sun Media want you to think.
Over at my other blog, I explained why I have no intention of voting for Dalton McGuinty. It has to do with Virginia Postrel and light bulbs. By the way, did you know there’s been a measles outbreak in Massachusetts?
I also reviewed a book about Jay-Z, the business, man, and saw some very cool shorts at the disposable film festival.