MPs, mosquitos and nets
Speaker Peter Milliken held a special reception for the group Buy-A-Net. This Kingston, Ont.-based organization raises money to purchase insecticide-treated bed nets and anti-malaria medicine for Ugandan villages.
Winnipeg NDP MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis.
The Speaker (right) and His Excellency George Marino Abola High Commissioner-designate for the Republic of Uganda.
Bloc MPs Christiane Gagnon (left) and Johanne Deschamps.
Vancouver Liberal MP Joyce Murray.
Ontario NDP MP David Christopherson (right).
The Kingston Town Crier and Alberta Tory MP Ted Menzies.
Edmonton NDP MP Linda Duncan.
Artist Heather Haynes (left), whose work was on display at the reception, and Debra Lefebvre, founder of Buy-A-Net.
Speaker Milliken.
Liberal Senator Mobina Jaffer.