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Macleans-Wynne, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne sits down with Paul Wells of Macleans at Queens Park in Toronto, ON. (Photograph by Cole Garside) Photograph by Cole Garside

Kathleen Wynne distances herself from former McGuinty aides

Those who face charges ’were never on my staff,’ Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne tells Evan Solomon
Yael Berger
(Photograph by Cole Garside)
(Photograph by Cole Garside)

“They were never on my staff.”

That’s what Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says about the two former staffers who worked for Dalton McGuinty—and now face charges for breach of trust, mischief and misuse of a computer system in connection with the gas plant scandal. None of the charges has been tested in court.

Wynne told SiriusXM’s Everything is Political with Evan Solomon that her office has acted responsibly and cooperated with the investigation into these charges.

The explosive allegations—that the two political aides purged government computers to get rid of politically damaging documents related to the cancellation of two gas plants in Oakville and Mississauga—have Ontario NDP energy critic Peter Tabuns asking what other details might come out during their trial, which begins Jan. 27, 2016.

The cancellation of the two GTA gas plants cost the Ontario government over $1 billion.