On Monday, in an interview with the Globe, Toronto police chief Bill Blair seemed relatively unconcerned by the suggestion that any public trust had been lost over the weekend. Two days later, in conversation with Christie Blatchford, Mr. Blair is decidedly more philosophical.
“One of my greatest concerns about this – there’s a lot of noise right now, but in the longer term, we’ve worked really hard to demonstrate [our belief in] human rights and civil rights …We’ve worked really hard to build respectful relationships with people with whom we’ve not always had great relationships.
“I’m very concerned about losing that,” he said.
“The trust between us is absolutely critical to keep in the city and it’s also the right way to do business, and so losing any element of that trust, any setback in that, any suggestion that we’re less than committed to maintaining and upholding human rights and civil rights, of treating diverse communities and marginalized people disrespectful is really fundamental.
“So we have a lot of work to do.”
Adam Radwanski, meanwhile, has assembled a brief history of the much-disputed five-metre rule.