The rolling people
As of tomorrow morning, I’m on the road, again. In this case that means following Michael Ignatieff around southern Ontario—Thornhill, Toronto, Burlington, Stoney Creek, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Oakville and Mississauga. The trip concludes with a visit to Caribana where the Liberal leader will, in a party tradition that dates to Laurier, be made to jump and wine.
I last saw Mr. Ignatieff on the road nearly two years ago during the 2008 election, the result of which was a magazine story, the content of which may or may not still be relevant. I last saw Mr. Ignatieff beyond the walls of Parliament last fall, the result of which was a magazine story, the content of which may or may not still be relevant.
For the perspective of someone who is not, nor has ever been, a member of the parliamentary press gallery, the Citizen’s Matthew Pearson (full disclosure: he’s a good friend of mine) rode the Liberal bus for the first few days of this summer’s tour and came back with 1,600 words on what he saw.