Why can’t we just get along with the White Walkers? The Stupid Starks automatically assume an unstoppable zombie army of the dead is a threat. Dumb! #MWGA
Welcome to the Twitter account of His Grace, Donald of House Trump, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
MAKE WESTEROS GREAT AGAIN! #MWGA #BestKingEver #HouseTrumpRules #KingDonaldRox #FoxAndFriends
My son Prince Don is a good boy! He did nothing wrong when he met with the White Walkers. Don’t believe the news you receive!! #FakeRavens
Don is totally innocent! I could tell he was being honest by looking in his pale, piercing – almost glowing, really – blue, blue eyes!!! #WightAdoption
Asked Night King TWO DIFFERENT WAYS if he intended to reanimate millions of corpses and wipe the living from the face of our world. Said no BOTH TIMES! #CaseClosed
Weird. It keeps getting colder and colder. Big storm of ice and snow appears to be coming over the horizon. SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING! #ScienceIsDUMB