

The Big Idea: Why We Should Take UFOs Seriously

Whether you call them UFOs, UAPs or flying saucers, Canada should treat the objects that fly in our skies as scientific phenomena, not pop-cultural quackery
(Courtesy of NASA MSFC David Higginbotham)

What the world’s most powerful telescope is teaching us about the universe

The James Webb telescope is allowing astronomers to time-travel into our deep, dark past

A brilliant scientist was mysteriously fired from a Winnipeg virus lab. No one knows why.

She was escorted away by the RCMP more than two years ago, sparking international controversy. What really happened to Xiangguo Qiu?
A doctor wears goggles and an N95 mask during a drive through COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Kingston, Ont., Dec. 18, 2021. (Lars Hagberg/The Canadian Press)

It’s time to switch to an N95 mask in the battle against Omicron

It’s easier for the virus to move through surgical or cloth masks, experts say, while respirators filter tiny aerosols
Ruth Hamilton's dog, Toby, assesses the space rock after it has been returned by the Western University team (Photograph by Amy Barrett)

A meteorite nearly killed this B.C. woman in her sleep. Scientists say it could be 470 million years old.

The cosmic rock hurtled through space and time and landed in Ruth Hamilton’s bed, just beside her head. It could be worth thousands.
Orcas in the Southern Resident Killer Whale endangered J Pod play in the Salish Sea at sunset on Aug. 4, 2018, off Vancouver Island, B.C. (Richard Ellis/Alamy)

B.C.’s ’southern resident’ orcas have been wandering far from home. Could this be the end?

The orca family known as J pod have been swimming far away from their Salish Sea digs. Will they return in 2022?
The new $10-billion James Webb Space Telescope; as the private sector funds routine spaceflight, space agencies can ‘push the frontiers’ (Courtesy of Desiree Stover/NASA)

Space exploration is about more than launching billionaires into orbit

The eye-rolling at the obvious PR stunt of sending William Shatner to space hides a growing antipathy towards space exploration—but we’ve forgotten how much humanity benefitted from it
The CoVaRR-Net rapid response network was set up to analyze the variants quickly (Photograph by John Kealey)

The team of scientists guarding Canada against COVID variants—’the known unknown’

The Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network will serve as Canada’s early warning system for variants that could hurl us back into pandemic misery

The beetle scientist on a mission to name the world’s most beguiling bugs

Pat Bouchard wants to make sure each and every species of Coleoptera is properly identified
Janjua in front of the VSS Imagine, in Mojave, California, at the Virgin Galactic facility (Courtesy of Quinn Tucker/Virgin Galactic)

The elite Canadian pilot who’ll be flying Virgin Galactic tourists to space

Virgin Galactic’s "future astronauts" will be in the hands of an elite Canadian test pilot