Adrian Dix


The NDP’s great pipeline divide

Before the Kinder Morgan expansion got approved, the New Democrats of Alberta and B.C. were one big, happy family. Now they’re like oil and water.
Thomas Mulcair; Paul Dewar; Nathan Cullen; Niki Ashton; Peggy Nash; Martin Singh; Brian Topp

The Topp memos

The NDP campaign director explains everything
Christy Clark

Angus Reid: What went wrong with the polls in British Columbia?

The veteran pollster reviews the lessons of the BC election
Adrian Dix

Seeing red over the Greens in B.C.

Colby Cosh on the Green party’s effect in B.C.’s election
Christy Clark

The B.C. pollster who got it right -- and those who didn’t

’Clearly we missed some of it pretty badly’
Adrian Dix

The meaning of Adrian Dix’s defeat

Progressives: Be tough and get young people to vote for you
Drawing the battle lines

Drawing the battle lines in B.C.’s election

As Adrian Dix looks to return B.C. to the NDP, all eyes are on the most important provincial election in years
Missing image

The Commons: Thomas Mulcair tries to look and sound the part

The NDP leader waxes poetic about "best practices"