alex himelfarb

Why don’t we like politics?

Have we lost trust or is it just not entertaining enough?

The 25 most important people in Ottawa

The Maclean’s 2012 power list


Taking it to the streets

Alex Himelfarb considers democracy, income inequality, consumerism and citizenship.


The kids and their pots

Alex Himelfarb is both hopeful of and concerned for the next generation.


Idea alert

Italian researchers posit that legislatures would be better off if some members were selected at random from the population.


Dismantling civil society

Alex Himelfarb considers the budget.


Looking the wrong way

Alex Himelfarb attempts to put austerity in perspective.


Maybe we have it all wrong

Alex Himelfarb considers taxes and the decline of trust, transparency, honesty and equality.


The prosperity gap

Alex Himelfarb considers the ramifications of inequality.


The fear cycle

Alex Himelfarb considers the state of crime policy in this country.


Junk politics

Alex Himelfarb considers the revolution in crime policy that is about to pass the House.


The House: ‘We will get the democracy we deserve’

Rather than simply lament for how little attention is paid to the institution, I thought I’d ask some smart people if they had anything to say in response to my piece about the state of the House of Commons. Over the next little while, those responses will appear here. Next up, Alex Himelfarb.