alison redford

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney updates media on measures taken to help with COVID-19, in Edmonton on Mar. 20, 2020. (Jason Franson/CP)

What Jason Kenney can glean from past premiers on saving Alberta’s economy

Scott Payne: From Ed Stelmach to Rachel Notley, Alberta’s premiers have attempted to address our over-reliance on oil and gas and the impact it has on the province’s economic health only to find themselves rebuffed
B.C. premier Rita Johnston

Women premiers get pushed out of leadership faster than men. What gives?

On average, women hold premierships for shorter periods and are more quickly pushed out by caucuses. A new study tries to figure out what’s really going on.
Alison Redford

Parsing the Alison Redford interview

Who’s the audience for Redford’s astonishing interview? Not the people of Alberta, writes Colby Cosh
Thomas Lukaszuk, Jim Prentice, Ric McIver,

Cleaning up the splatter in Alberta

What the Alison Redford scandal will mean for Alberta’s natural governing party
Merwan Saher

Five things Albertans learned from their auditor general

Audits are expensive and aircraft policies are unclear
Merwan Saher

Stories we’re watching: Alison Redford slammed by auditor

And other top stories making headlines this afternoon
Alison Redford Resignation

Alison Redford’s last goodbye

Can the Alberta PC dynasty survive calling the cops on one of its own leaders?
Alison Redford Resignation

Flying on your own, the Alberta Conservative way

Colby Cosh explains why the latest revelations about Alison Redford are worse than the last
Alison Redford Resignation

Stories we’re watching: Former Alberta premier under fire for flights

Five of the top stories making headlines this afternoon