alpine skiing

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Zimbabwe’s femme fatale, the Mel Gibson non-comeback, and one man’s war against rent that’s too damn high
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Week in Pictures: March 3rd – March 10th 2010

The week’s most interesting photography
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Down-home and just plain cozy

The "appealingly unprofessional" side of the Olympics
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Why we stink at ski jumping

And why there is still hope
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Another disappointing day for Canada’s alpine skiers

’Didn’t Work Out’ has become the unofficial catchphrase of this team
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Lindsey Vonn

America’s Olympic poster girl is the big star of the Games
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Canadian alpine ski team empty-handed: "It sucks"

Meanwhile, the U.S. team is crediting its success to home snow advantage
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Maria Riesch makes the world forget Lindsey Vonn (at least temporarily)

German skier takes the gold in the women’s super combined
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Lindsey Vonn wins races—and hops fences

So much for that badly bruised right shin
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Women’s downhill marred by crashes

"I felt like the course skied me"