

Online hate is an infectious virus—and it should be addressed like real-life violence

Opinion: A reformed white supremacist on what’s changed since she helped put the Heritage Front’s leader behind bars, and how we can stop this sickness from spreading

Calling out hate groups doesn’t ’give them oxygen’—it prevents the hate from festering

Opinion: A reformed white supremacist on how responsible reporting and informed conversation is important if we want to meaningfully tackle hateful acts
David Axelrod, Justin Trudeau, Gerald Butts

The term ’alt-right’ has become a cudgel against conservatives

Opinion: Liberal partisans, in particular, have deployed ’alt-right’ as a slur—an act of stifling debate on knotty issues from the folks that brought you ’sunny ways’
Lisa MacLeod

When politicians want to Make Canada Great Again, what are we supposed to say?

Opinion: Anti-immigrant rhetoric is part of Canada’s history—and since glories of the past have inspired alt-right movements, that thinking needs to be called out when it’s seen
UKIP Referendum Bus Travels To South Yorkshire And Lancashire

The lessons Canada should learn from Britain’s anti-immigrant politics

Opinion: Canada is seen as a global beacon on immigration. But Justin Trudeau would be wise to look for the warning signs that Britain ignored before Brexit
White Supremacists March with Torches in Charlottesville

Neo-Nazis are no joke—they just want you to think they are

A style guide for a neo-Nazi publication reveals what should be obvious, writes Tabatha Southey: darkness lurks behind their self-parodying ’humour’

What really happened at Wilfrid Laurier University

Inside Lindsay Shepherd’s heroic, insulting, brave, destructive, possibly naïve fight for free speech
Jordan Peterson

Is Jordan Peterson the stupid man’s smart person?

Tabatha Southey delves into University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson’s work and finds his secret sauce—and what makes his work unnerving
Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie says Donald Trump is “demolishing reality”

The U.S. president, says Rushdie, is "crazy like a fox," which has made his attacks on the concept of objective truth so effective
Marchers at a white-supremacy rally encircle counter protestors at the base of a statue of Thomas Jefferson after marching through the University of Virginia campus with torches in Charlottesville, Va., USA on August 11, 2017. (Shay Horse/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

How Donald Trump is poisoning conservative politics

Evan Solomon: An extreme off-shoot needs to be excised from the conservative movement. If the U.S. president won’t draw the line, who will?