
Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as they storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.(Roberto Schmid/AFP/Getty Images)

Was Jan. 6 the beginning of the end for America?

A new book imagines what the next American civil war will look like, beginning with the 2021 Capitol riots
Resser, the Sheriff of Benewah County at his office in St. Maries, Idaho (Photograph by Adnan R. Khan)

What’s in store for a post-Trump America? An Idaho town may have the answer.

Adnan R. Khan: Tens of millions of Americans are not about to give up on Donald Trump’s politics. Their support is rooted in a political current steeped in racism and inequality.

The myth of American greatness

Adnan R. Khan: Politicians chant ’U.S.A.!’ But the reality is plain: average education, poor health care and infrastructure, average incomes, moderate happiness.

What Canada and America owe Haiti

Andray Domise on the two nations’ brutal, ruinous record in Haiti, and why it must inform how asylum seekers are being treated today

Louise Erdrich’s chilling portrayal of America as ’a disintegrating country’

The acclaimed author began her dystopian story 15 years ago, but in the Trump era it seems particularly relevant

Watching as the sun briefly abandons America

Allen Abel travels to Sumter, S.C., a place of history and infamy, for the eclipse. ’Praise Jesus,’ some bellowed at totality, and a father cried.
Police survey a shooting scene after a gunman opened fire on Republican members of Congress during a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia

America’s mass delusion

Surprisingly, the strategy of praying to God is not stopping the mass shootings in the U.S.
Xi Jinping and Donald Trump

Is war between America and China inevitable?

The rise of the Asian tiger has created a dangerous dynamic, argues renowned U.S. defence expert Graham Allison

Another deadly day in America

Only this time, Americans can actually witness a consequence of the 2nd Amendment. Will it make a difference?
Bree Newsome takes down the Confederate Flag from a pole at the Statehouse in Columbia

If America wants real progress on equality, it has to get serious

While the nation applauds banning a racist flag, real problems with race and inequality rage on. Why there’s not enough action in America