George Heyman, Andrew Weaver

Andrew Weaver on why he’s stepping down as B.C. Green leader

A transcript of remarks, in which Weaver invited ’another generation take the lead’
Darryl Plecas

B.C. must face its scandalous ways—wood-splitter and all

David Moscrop: Either the Speaker has misinterpreted everything and caused a needless embarrassment (unlikely) or this is a house in need of deep, structural change
Darryl Plecas

The B.C. Speaker is alleging ’flagrant’ overspending, luxurious trips and improper cash payouts by legislature officials

Darryl Plecas’s report also details missing booze, high-end suits and—oddly—a wood-splitter bought at taxpayers’ expense, as RCMP confirms it’s investigating
David Eby

David Eby handles every live grenade in B.C. politics. Is he a premier-in-waiting?

From Vancouver real estate to the pipeline lawsuit, the NDP attorney general has planted stakes in the province’s biggest issues. But his greatest challenge might be hanging on to his seat

Why B.C. might actually get proportional representation this time

Some senior NDP members are boldly predicting that PR will happen. Are they banking on a long-term relationship with the Greens?
Christy Clark

The curious emptiness of Christy Clark’s legacy

She was a formidable force on the stump, and sailed into office on favourable economic winds. So why couldn’t Clark convert her advantage into enduring achievements?
John Horgan

B.C. gets a new premier. The system worked.

After weeks of waiting and wondering, B.C. watches John Horgan lead the NDP to power. And our democracy remains intact.

The B.C. legislature votes on the government’s future: Live video

Watch as B.C.’s NDP and Greens vote on whether to bring down the Liberal government after a 16-year reign
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Battleground B.C.: Parties look to fulfill desire for change

The Liberals started their campaign here, but they could be the last party on B.C.’s minds. Meanwhile, the Green Party looks for gains.
Christy Clark

Christy Clark in for a rough ride as fallout from memo tests leadership

B.C. cabinet insists it’s business as usual in wake of ’ethnic vote’ memo. Not so fast, says our B.C. correspondent