

Raising a pint to history

Archaeological anthropology professor Marie Hopwood and her team create craft beers—with names like Midas Touché, Odin’s Eye, and Chosen Chicha—based on 5,000-year-old recipes

What your drink of choice says about your politics

A new poll suggests Canadians’ booze preferences vary according to the party they vote for. Fortunately, we’re more united in our tastes than divided
Lakeport brewery and head office in Hamilton, Ontario

Why buck-a-beer failed before in Ontario—and why it likely will, again

The story of Lakeport Brewing Co.’s meteoric rise and total collapse shows us why Doug Ford’s plans for buck-a-beer’s return will be a tall task—if not an impossible one
Ont Elxn Ford 20180519

A simple, no-fuss promise for Ontario politicians to help beer drinkers

Opinion: The Ontario election has become abuzz about how booze is sold. So why is every party leader ignoring the plan that wine and beer producers actually want?

Canada is not a country.

Scott Gilmore: If our rag tag federation can’t build pipelines, move beer or find some common bonds, we may have a fatal problem
Border Beer Industry 20180419

Why the Supreme Court didn’t ’free the beer’

The ruling disappointed cheap-beer lovers but it turns on some subtle technical points that could have broader ramifications, explains constitutional law expert Carissima Mathen

In its ’free-the-beer’ ruling, the Supreme Court reveals its contradictions

Opinion: The Supreme Court—neutered by politics—delivers a craven, logically inconsistent decision on Gerard Comeau’s cross-border alcohol fight
SCOC Oratory 20180329

The ’free the beer’ ruling and the Supreme Court’s record of putting the brakes on change

On stock market regulation, Senate reform, even appointments to its own bench, the top court has disappointed those unhappy with the status quo

Drinking in class is encouraged at this Canadian college program

A rapidly growing industry with a labour shortage led to this program and its 100 per cent placement rate

Why Canadians drink Canadian: Our patriotic drinking habits

Our choice of alcohol sends a strong signal about what we value about our country