border security

Parliament of Canada, Peace Tower, Canadian Flags

What Canadians really think about national security

We polled 1,500 Canadians and got a sense of our thoughts on border security, military and more.
Donald Trump

Under Trump, the unbelievable is becoming reality

So much of what is happening in the U.S. right now makes no sense, and now the American chaos and confusion is heading north
Vic Toews

Is the Harper government now in the reality TV business?

The Conservatives won’t say how much Border Security costs taxpayers
Vic Toews

The Commons: Vic Toews’ real world

Imagining what other reality TV shows the government might approve of
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India and Pakistan take a step in the right direction

Violence along the border has been rising, but new trade agreements can establish needed trust
Stephen Harper Barack Obama

About that border deal between Canada and the U.S.

Canada has finally managed to put the focus back on trade for the first time since 9/11
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Higher threat of terrorism from Canada than Mexico: U.S. official

U.S. border chief testifies that more potential terrorists exploit Canadian system
Can US border

Next up: rush for perimeter security, regulatory harmonization

Harper’s window is closing as the presidential campaign cycle draws near

Harper and Obama announce new regulatory council

Group will work toward "increased regulatory transparency and coordination"