Canada 150

Canada 150 Ice Rink

Canadian Heritage would like to clarify some things about the Parliament Hill rink

The facility will host a hockey tournament and open skating, but the government has been criticized for the cost and rules
Canada 150 Ice Rink

The slippery rules of Canada’s new $5.6M ice rink, unveiled

The NHL-sized ice rink on Parliament Hill is set to open for public skating this December.* *Many, many terms and conditions apply.
Attawapiskat Town 20160428

For Canada 150, architects should aim for solutions, not landmarks

Canada’s centennial spurred a slew of architectural glories. But 50 years later, a truly great monument would be a design for a better country

We should celebrate Canada’s British influence, not denounce it

Don’t send laudable British legacies such as free economies, free peoples and intellectual freedom down the ’memory hole’, writes Mark Milke
Missing image

Scenes from Canada 150, a national celebration of Canada’s birthday

We enlisted photographers to capture the most festive moments from coast to coast to coast. Here’s what they saw.

Inside Carolyn Bennett’s fraught picnic

The minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs hosted her regular celebratory Canada Day picnic on Saturday against a backdrop of Indigenous anger and protest.
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer, left, takes a selfie with a supporter during Canada Day festivities in Charlottetown, P.E.I. on Saturday, July 1, 2017. (Photograph by Darren Calabrese

Andrew Scheer’s first Canada Day as Tory leader

Scheer and his family celebrated Canada 150 in Charlottetown, the Birthplace of Confederation—and invited us to follow along
Canada Day 20170701

’Home on native land’ on Parliament Hill

On Canada Day, protesters mixed with patriots. There was chanting, singing and a tense moment or two.
Justin Trudeau, Navdeep Bains

The splendor and the slop of Canada Day

On Parliament Hill tens of thousands of soggy revelers gathered to celebrate the most admired nation on Earth