canada border services agency


A wanted man—again

Can you help the Canada Border Services Agency find Mohamed Ratni for the second time?
June 10 tampon tax

The ’tampon tax’ is gone, but the ’tampon tariff’ lives on

Canada still charges a ’tampon tax’ through its antiquated tariff regime, and it’s a perfect example of the red tape that’s burying importers

A free man—on paper

Already under fire after an inmate’s suicide, did the Canada Border Services Agency rush to release a critically ill inmate so he wouldn’t die in custody?
Missing image

As inquest begins, another death in immigration custody

Georgia man died on the weekend while in custody of the Canada Border Services Agency
Missing image

How Ottawa’s ’Wanted’ list jeopardized deportation hopes

A high-profile arrest put one man in the spotlight, and now he risks torture back home—which means Canada can’t remove him

The rise and fall(?) of the Harper government’s iPod tax

A uniquely ridiculous matter of public policy
BC Trudeau 20121123

Letters from Justin

Of iPod taxes and private copying tariffs

The truth about Ottawa’s missing war criminals

Uncovering the story behind the mug shots

Canada’s deportation of Cindor Reeves: the government’s response

All it took was a bit of cutting and pasting from press releases