Canadian Forces


Ottawa’s ultimate betrayal of a wounded veteran and mother

Matt Gurney: So far, 400 Canadians have done what the government won’t, giving money to help pay for Kimberly Fawcett’s prosthetic leg. She deserves better.

The magic of the Invictus Games: ’How you’d like society to be’

Canada’s Lt.-Col. Rhonda Crew, 48, may not have won her cycling race. But she registered a personal best — and experienced the healing nature of the games.

As Kandahar finds peace, Canada finds its own kind of vindication

Adnan R. Khan returns to Afghanistan’s formerly fraught southern region, where lessons from Canada’s failed mission more than a decade ago are inspiring America’s next steps

As Donald Trump undermines NATO, what can Canada do?

Terry Glavin: A new analysis says Canada should keep its troops in Latvia, but the unraveling of the transatlantic relationship poses a momentous challenge
Canadian Air Force Trains In Southern California

We’ve given up on Canada’s military, so let’s abandon it altogether

We could save billions we’d otherwise spend on duct tape for our fleets and squadrons. We could keep some soldiers for disaster response—but they don’t need guns

All I wanted was for the government to say, ’Yes, it’s true’

Lucie Laperle tells her story of being spied on, abused and institutionalized for being gay in the Canadian army—and what Trudeau’s apology meant to her

How the fight to defeat ISIS sparked a new battle in Iraq

Adnan R. Khan: Canada put its military resources behind the Kurds to take on ISIS. Now it’s seeing the ugly results.

Being transgender in the Canadian military

Experts say there is a higher proportion of transgender people in the military than the general population. Why they choose to serve.

How long-range snipers do their job

After a record-setting shot by a Canadian sniper in Iraq, we look at the physics and intuition of extreme, long-range shooting

PTSD sufferer Medric Cousineau on how a service dog saved his life

Medric Cousineau is angry over Ottawa’s refusal to treat service dogs for PTSD sufferers the same as for other injured former soldiers.