Carey Mulligan

Justin Timberlake

Photo highlights, so far, from Cannes

27 frames from the most famous red carpet in the French Riviera
Joel Coen, Ethan Coen

The Coen brothers unplugged

Portrait of a failed folkie lights up Cannes

Red carpet rain and great balls of fire

From Gatsby’s glamour to Mexico’s drug wars, Brian D. Johnson on Cannes’ contrasts

What to watch for in Cannes

Brian D. Johnson’s first dispatch from the French Riviera
Gatsby feature

The embalmed beauty of ’Gatsby’

Brian D. Johnson’s review of Baz Luhrmann’s ambitious adaptation

Taking the joy out of sex in ’Shame’

For all its sexual audacity, ’Shame’ is strangely puritanical — a carnal guilt trip

Forget Gosling, Pitt and Clooney—check out the children

Some of TIFF’s brightest stars are unknown kids acting without a net

Opening weekend: Wall Street 2, Never Let Me Go

Michael Douglas, Oliver Stone and Carey Mulligan discuss their film in Cannes (VIDEO)

Joaquin and the Black Swan—two TIFF tales of showbiz meltdown

Whether faked or real, the Phoenix doc is a harrowing snuff film of career suicide
Missing image

Instead of a year-end list of my own

COLBY COSH dismisses the National Board of Review’s Top 10 Movies of 2009—none of which he’s seen