Colleges Guide 2017

CCNB Students

CCNB business program dispenses with papers and lectures

A teacher has banished texts and lectures, and introduced a fresh, fun approach to business
Former Nunavut Premier Paul Okalik

Arctic College is working to boost Inuktitut-speaking lawyers

A new partnership with the University of Saskatchewan will produce bilingual grads
NSCC lidar map

NSCC is only school in Canada using lidar to map seabed near shore

Topo-bathymetric research with light detection and ranging technology fills in the picture for coastal zones
Nova Scotia Community College Historical map

NSCC houses a collection of maps all the way from the year 1545

More than 2,000 maps dating back to 1545 will be available online
Holland College student Jelissa Jeffery

Holland College cooking and photo students join forces to make art

A unique collaboration focuses on food photography
Jaharad Greene operating Simulator at Holland College

Holland College marine education bridges P.E.I. and The Bahamas

The Bahamas and P.E.I. have a special bond: A shared tradition of seafaring
NBCC student soldering metal

NBCCD metal arts program is tailored for budding entrepreneurs

A two-year program in Fredericton gives students the tools—and business training—to strike out on their own
Moose as seen from helipocter

MCFT forest tech program includes counting moose by helicopter

Forest technology isn’t easy, but it’s a thrill for the adventurous soul
Lily leaf beetle

CNA is studying invasive insects to protect Newfoundland ecosystems

Invasive insects are the target in Applied Entomology Laboratory research
NBCC student Jazmin Chase

NBCC respiratory therapy student relentless in the face of illness

After years spent battling severe allergies and asthma, a Saint John student vows to save lives as a respiratory therapist to make up for the one her sister lost