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Everything you need to know about colleges in Canada

Answers to all of the pressing who, why, what, where and when questions.

3M Teaching Fellow: Sheridan College’s Marc Richard

Schools can provide the tools and space for learning, but students need to take ownership of their education, according to this music theatre instructor.
(Saskatchewan Polytechnic)

Studying Early Childhood Education at Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Three campuses, online courses and a part-time option ensures the accessibility of the program
(Dwayne Brown Studio/Algonquin College)

Computer Engineering Technology at Algonquin College

An old computer language finds new relevance for students
Business program at Seneca College. (Seneca College)

How Seneca College trains the next generation of entrepreneurs

Aspiring small business owners learn to work for themselves-and swim in the Shark Tank

Learning to fight the opioid crisis at Vancouver Community College

If you’re going to be an addictions counsellor, book learning isn’t enough. These students are getting a dose of reality
Vancouver Campus (Hover Collective/UBC)

How to decide between college and university in Canada

Which one is better? What career is right for you? Here’s a step-by-step guide to figuring it out.

Crane training at this Alberta college leads to an uplifting career

The largest collection of simulators in North America makes it easier to safely train students

How Loyalist College is helping with a massive nuclear clean up

Launched this year, a new program at Loyalist College aims to provide technicians for a $1.2-billion cleanup project