
Zdarsky, a.k.a. Steve Murray, has worked as an illustrator for national newspapers. He co-created the lauded (and banned) comic book series Sex Criminals.

Meet the Canadian bringing Batman into a new era

As the new lead writer for Batman, Chip Zdarsky wants to explore the superhero’s weaknesses 

The culture wars come to comic books

Marvel Comics is experiencing a wave of anti-diversity, ’Comicsgate’ backlash, wielding blacklists and harassment—and it might be working
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What it means that Justin Trudeau has taken Alpha Flight with Marvel Comics

A new Alpha Flight story in the ’Civil War II’ series features Justin Trudeau—igniting Canadians’ familiar thrill of being acknowledged at all by the U.S.
Artist Jeff Lemire in his studio. (Photograph by Kayla Chobotiuk)

Meet Jeff Lemire — the next big thing

The Stephen King of comics has been hailed by Joseph Boyden—and X-Men fans—as a rising star

The not-so-Fantastic Four: The fall of Marvel’s flagship team

How did the world’s most important superhero franchise get crushed by Ant-Man?

Comics: the continuity conundrum

In an age of reboots and personal expression, is continuity the devil for comics?

A preacher of cartoons delivers his sermons

Inside the legendary cartoonist’s curated ’post-war Canadian drab’ home

Cartoon justice in Ferguson

Examining the curious movie and comic references in police officer Darren Wilson’s testimony
First look of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.  Credit:  Warner Brothers

Who’s afraid of Wonder Woman?

Unlike in the comics business, Hollywood is still reluctant to give a female superhero the starring role
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Hey, didn’t he used to be an old white guy?

A black Nick Fury isn’t the only comic-book character to be changed by the movies