corporate taxes

Kenney unveiled his plan on Monday to reboot Alberta's economy. (Jason Franson/CP)

Jason Kenney reaches for economic heights with a race to the bottom

Alberta’s hurry-up corporate tax cut is less an investment in the future than a gift to the biggest current players, say experts
Rachel Notley

6 things we’ve learned about Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP

The campaign revealed that Notley is not above using the politics of fear—and that her party would be lost without her
Bill Morneau

Progressive corporate tax reform? It’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Kevin Milligan: Ratcheting the corporate tax rate up or down doesn’t grow the economy or improve tax fairness. Here’s a smarter approach.
Kevin Milligan

How to analyze budgets like a pro

Here’s what you need to watch for as the federal parties release their platform budgets, like appearances of the cost-cutting fairy, and the revenue fairy

There are two big problems with the Alberta NDP tax plan

Given the size of Alberta’s deficit, the Alberta NDP’s tax changes alone won’t be enough to balance the budget by their mandate’s end
Tom Mulcair

Seriously, no need to measure up to the U.S. on corporate tax rates

Uncle Sam is in a different league, writes Stephen Gordon
TORONTO, ON – AUGUST 22nd, 2012 – New Democratic Party Leader Thomas Mulcair.

Tom Mulcair’s idea on corporate taxes sounds scary

Is this the most alarming policy statement of 2013?
Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 6.16.34 PM

Dealing with inequality, part I: The bottom 99 per cent

Stephen Gordon on why you should love the GST/HST