doctor-assisted death


The doctor who took on death

In an agonizing personal and professional decision, Dr. Sandy Buchman opted to help patients with their final wish. He hasn’t looked back.
Female patient sitting on hospital bed, rear view

Should doctors be paid a premium for assisting deaths?

Physicians can make more doing paperwork than performing this legal, but emotionally demanding, service. For many, it’s just not worth it.
Female patient sitting on hospital bed, rear view

Should mentally ill Canadians have access to assisted dying?

It may make some people understandably uncomfortable, but extending the right to assisted dying to the mentally ill is a compassionate solution
Always at her bedside

Q&A: Stefanie Green on helping doctors navigate assisted dying

Stefanie Green founded the Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers, which supports doctors as they navigate Canada’s new assisted dying law.

Why Canada’s assisted dying law is confusing doctors—and patients

Canada’s Justice Minister says the law provides ’maximum flexibility’ to health-care professionals who assess patients. But doctors are unclear on who qualifies for assisted dying.

What the Dutch experience with assisted dying can teach Canada

’It’s not bad to take away the fear of death and dying,’ says Dr. Gerrit Kimsma, a Dutch physician and professor
Cathy Tuckwell, sister, and John Tuckwell, ALS patient. (Road to Mercy)

’Road to Mercy’ paints portraits of assisted dying

Our Q&A with Nadine Pequeneza, whose documentary captures an emotional debate as Canada debated its assisted dying laws

What we’re not talking about in the assisted-dying debate

Why suicide researchers have a potentially important perspective on the debate over assisted dying
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Highlights of the Senate’s debate on assisted dying

’With Bill C-14, we are facing the most difficult and important area of the law that many of us will ever be forced to contend with as parliamentarians.’

Maclean’s on the Hill: ’O Canada’ may soon be gender neutral

The Maclean’s Ottawa bureau’s weekly audio debrief on all things #cdnpoli