

Greece: No country for young people

Many of the brightest minds in Greece are leaving the country for opportunities abroad. That will only make it harder for the economy to ever recover.
Germany Canada

Merkel’s victory, the eurozone and Canada

One grand coalition, no grand vision

Now is the time to mount a European army, leaders conclude

Decision comes amid threat of financial collapse in EU
(FILE)-Picture taken late 09 October 200

The danger of a Greek exit and why it matters to Canada

The eurozone crisis: an illustrated guide to the biggest threat to the Canadian economy
Jim Flaherty

Updated: Wells vs. Geddes on the Euro and the new Jim Flaherty

Merkel-Hollande, austerity-vs.-growth, blowing bubbles vs. tightening rules
When democracy is denied, the people take to the streets

Greece: When democracy is denied, people take to the streets

Lucas Papademos quickly expelled members of the government who opposed the austerity package
The economy’s youngest victims

Economic orphans are Greece’s youngest victims

In Greece, hard times have overtaken abuse as a cause for referring kids to children’s charities
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How Germany finally took control of Europe

It’s hard to argue anyone else can save the Old Continent
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Franc talk about a money deadline

Nearly 10 years after France officially adopted the euro, a staggering amount of francs are still around