
We don’t need exit exams but quit hating on tests

Prof. Pettigrew on the Collegiate Learning Assessment

The lycée: What’s the point?

French students debate mandatory philosophy exam

Tornado prevents exam on natural disasters

Test was to take place in Goderich, Ont.


Does Quebec’s exam rewrite history?

Anglo students must not consider Bill 101 when writing test

The 100% final

I’m getting an excellent mark. Or not.

Studying, midterms, exams

The worst type of exam

‘Long answer’ and ‘thought’ questions? I’m doomed.

studying, midterms, biochemistry

Swamped with midterms?

Get your priorities straight.

McGill eliminates MCAT requirement

Claims the exam creates unequal access for Francophone applicants


So you failed your exams, now what?

Understanding academic probation, what it means and what to do about it

Messing with multiple choice

What if it’s not A, B, or C?


Warning: ‘May be extremely calming’

The opposite of Red Bull, these ‘anti-energy’ drinks claim to provide instant relaxation