first nations

The final audience stands with Pope Francis and members of the Indigenous delegation where the Pontiff delivered an apology for the Catholic Church’s role in Canada's residential school system, at the Vatican, April 1, 2022. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Vatican Media)

Pope Francis apologizes for residential school abuses

Politics Insider for April 1: First Nations delegates make progress at the Vatican; Trudeau pushes for a G19; and a Wildrose battle
Sol Mamakwa, NDP MPP for Kiiwetinoong, stands in the Legislature during Question Period, in Toronto on Nov. 6, 2019. (Chris Young/CP)

’As a First Nations MPP in Ontario...I cannot deny my loneliness.’

Sol Mamakwa: Every day I enter Queen’s Park, I see paintings of Queen Elizabeth, the faces of former premiers, and speakers of the house. I see them, but they don’t see me.
Members of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation oversee a checkpoint near Stony Plain, Alta. (Photograph by Amber Bracken)

How First Nations are finding ways to keep COVID-19—and outsiders—at bay

While local and provincial governments loosen lockdowns, vulnerable Indigenous communities across the country say they’re fighting an uphill battle to safeguard their residents

Canada must stop normalizing inequality for Indigenous people

Cindy Blackstock: The federal government, which has an insatiable appetite to be thanked for inadequate measures, should expect no gratitude for discrimination

When I tried to kill myself, I received help. Why don’t Indigenous people?

Anna Mehler Paperny: Hospitals are supposed to be places where you receive care and are kept safe. But that’s not true for everyone.

B.C. should give up case of ’extinct’ Sinixt First Nations

Graeme Lee Rowlands: When it comes to B.C.’s fight against the Sinixt, Lakes people, John Horgan and his government have already lost in the court of public opinion

The irony of the First Nations’ vote

Pam Palmater: Here’s a hard truth about Canadian federal elections. When Indigenous peoples vote, they vote for their next oppressor.

A First Nation’s epic wait for clean water gets longer

Ending Neskantaga’s 25-year boil water advisory next month was supposed to be a symbolic achievement for Ottawa. Instead, it’s shaping up to be a symbolic failure
Parl Native Protest 20170629

The Supreme Court has just gutted the Crown’s duty to consult First Nations

Opinion: The newly released Mikisew decision creates easy backdoor for governments to once again run roughshod over Indigenous rights
Lee Spahan

Respect for First Nations rights could’ve spared us this panic over Trans Mountain

Pam Palmater: The only people who should be shocked are First Nations. How many times must they fight the same battles for well-established rights?