
Could art forgeries be even better than the real thing?

Art forgers not only turn themselves in, they have lucrative careers even after conviction. Just ask Michelangelo.

Want to be a lawyer? Better behave yourself

A new campaign cracks down on lawyers who are rude and aggressive — with clients or even in their private lives

Lawyers behaving badly

A new campaign cracks down on lawyers who are rude and aggressive—with clients or even in their private lives

The Oda ado: overblown?

In the spirit of devil’s advocacy, Colby Cosh lays out the defence case


A case of stolen student identity

Chinese official reportedly helps his daughter get into university by stealing a classmate’s name and ID number


More trouble for banks: fake cheques

Banks could be on the hook for honouring forged cheques


Toronto Star’s forged degree investigation

$1,000 buys two copies of sealed transcripts, $3,000 gets a university degree