François Hollande


For the record: François Hollande’s remarks after the Nice attack

’Horror... Horror has just descended on France once again,’ Hollande said in his address to France.
Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Abadi Meets With Merkel In Berlin

Newsmaker of the day: Angela Merkel

Newsmaker, Feb. 6: The German chancellor reaches out to Putin in a bid to broker peace in Ukraine
2012 Nobel Peace Prize

The real scandal in France

(Hint: It’s not François Hollande’s predilections)
French comic Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala

Comic Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala and the outlawed ’quenelle’

How the French government is fueling the fire for a controversial comedian

Good news, bad news

A crack down on illegal unpaid internships, wile decapitation videos are now okay on Facebook
François Hollande on his way to the cellar

François Hollande on his way to the cellar

With abysmal approval ratings, the French president will auction off some of the world’s finest wine
2012 Nobel Peace Prize

Hollande goes to war

The French president launched a war in Mali just as his popularity hit an all-time low
occupy bay street

Rich face tax hikes, women drink more & bye-bye books

What students are talking about today (January 2nd)

What’s behind Nicolas Sarkozy’s beard?

Searching for meaning in former French president’s stubble
Take the money and run

France’s rich are fleeing the country

With a Socialist president in charge and dramatic tax hikes looming, they’re taking their money--and splitting