Frank Graves

Canada’s new Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Ralph Goodale is sworn-in during a ceremony in Ottawa

Is security a priority for Canadians?

Evan Solomon speaks with Ekos Research president Frank Graves about where security issues rank among voter issues
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Pollster offers Green Party five election takeaways

Some blue-sky thinking for the Greens from EKOS CEO Frank Graves
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, left to right, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper and NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair join hands prior to the Munk Debate on foreign affairs, in Toronto

Numbers over narrative: The truth about Oct. 19

The niqab issue may not have sunk the NDP in Quebec, and voters didn’t abandon Stephen Harper. Pollsters sift through the data for nuggets of election truth
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The politics of the TPP: Who wins and loses on the campaign trail

EKOS President Frank Graves explains how a 12-country trade deal might influence voting
John Geddes

Seen and heard at #Can2020

From mandatory voting to the politics of air strikes
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Video: An escalator pitch from Frank Graves on Canada in 2020

We’re asking delegates and speakers at #Can2020 where they see the country headed. Here’s one reply.

The eternal, futile quest for perfect democracy

Parliament returns amid some desire for change
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University grads prefer Liberals

But that doesn’t mean the census debate is igniting a culture war