Qiniqtiryuaq (barge) above the Erebus site, wreck and divers visible.(Courtesy of Parks Canada)

The Franklin Expedition’s sunken artifacts slowly unlock the mysteries of the voyage

A wool mitten that survived in the frigid Arctic water and a hair brush with errant strands are two of the hundreds of artifacts unearthed by Parks Canada archaeologists—each of them a clue in a search for answers stretching back to 1845
Sir James Clark Ross Antarctic Expedition

Second Franklin wreck found in Canada’s high Arctic

Two years after the discovery of the Franklin Expedition’s Erebus, the Terror has also been found—forcing a rethink of the doomed mission.

The world’s first ice-busting yachts open the High Arctic

But how will the polar-capable yachts stack up against new Canadian patrol ships?

Unlocking the key to the Franklin mystery

As divers work their way down the wreck of HMS Erebus, they’ve found part of the ship’s wheel and a sword hilt among dozens of artifacts
The ‘Erebus’ and the ‘Terror’ Among Icebergs. Sir John Franklin (1786-1847) British naval officer and arctic explorer commanded the 1845 expedition of the ships ‘Erebus’ and ‘Terror’ to search for the North West Passage. All members of the expedition peri

The search for Franklin continues—quietly

With rare calm waters in the Arctic, the conditions are ripe for another big discovery out of sunken HMS Erebus

How Jim Balsillie plans on selling the North

For just one time, Jim Balsillie would take the Northwest Passage—in the hopes of finding sovereignty in the Arctic, tourism and jobs

Cover story preview: Selling the North

For Jim Balsillie, finding the Franklin expedition was the beginning of bigger goals in the Arctic

Erebus found: Inside the first tour of the Franklin Expedition wreck

A look at the careful, complex operation behind archeologists’ Arctic dive to explore the wreck of Erebus

Divers toured the Franklin Expedition. Here’s the evidence.

Parks Canada divers explored the sunken remains of HMS Erebus.

Balsillie behind efforts to display Erebus bell to public

A 3D replica of the first artifact recovered from HMS Erebus is going on display — and credit goes to BlackBerry’s billionaire former co-CEO