Left in the hands of Mexico’s aging campesinos, ancestral corn is at risk of becoming extinct. And that leaves not only a culinary hole, but one in the planet’s biodiversity.
Opinion: Free trade agreements have long been fuelled by grand visions of a better tomorrow. But by keeping managed trade—which isn’t truly free—the USMCA fails
With a new president, Mexico badly needed a trade deal with America, and it’s good that Canada is around—but the ’new NAFTA’ elicits a collective shrug, and seems to change little
Opinion: The ’new NAFTA’ solves a serious crisis in the short term. But Canada made significant concessions—it was always going to have to—and that’s a big long-term problem
Opinion: The Canadian government’s response to Trump’s fit of temper has earned support from across the political spectrum. That may just be the start.