From our Archives


How Queen Elizabeth II was taught to rule

The daughter of a second son, she got the best start of all—a happy childhood. Then, from her father, struggling with great zeal and small strength, and from her mother, affectionate and serene, she learned the often tiresome tasks of queenship

Millions of Canadians suffer mental illness—and many can’t find help

In 2011, Maclean’s reported on how to change attitudes towards mental illness, the ’orphan of health care’
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When teen pregnancy was ’cool’

From 2008: For the first time in years, more kids are having kids—and not just in movies

Remembering Rob Stewart, the man behind the rhapsodic doc ’Sharkwater’

From the archives: Brian D. Johnson on Rob Stewart, the gifted Canadian filmmaker who has died at the age of 37

Tariq Ramadan in 2005: ’Terror is a fact, not an ideology’

’Dialogue is the only way to push people to change. But it takes time,’ says Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan in this 2005 interview

David Foster’s long-held proclivity for theatrics

Our 2005 story on an autobiographical TV show by Canadian music producer David Foster, who serenaded President Trump in Florida this weekend

In 2004, moms and dads turned parenting culture on its head

Preschool tutoring, music lessons, sports: enough is enough, say some parents. Let kids be kids again.

Kids insult each other with brutal frankness but ’few are truly nasty’

On Pink Shirt Day, this 2004 essay points out that bullies’ victims can be aggressive or provocative themselves

A Holocaust survivor recalls his liberation

Toronto consulting engineer Nathan Leipciger chronicled the last four months of his incarceration before the Allies forced Germany’s surrender on May 7, 1945

Gloria Steinem, in 1987: ’Women become radical with age’

In 1987, Gloria Steinem told Maclean’s that Canadian and American feminists ’could help the other from reinventing the wheel’