The Power List: Jade Raymond set out to do her own thingHaven Studios’ work on that secret Sony multiplayer title has become a huge talent draw
The Power List: Top 10 Gaming TycoonsThese tech whizzes are ensuring the revolution will be gamified—and Canadian
Why Nintendo’s new game plan doesn’t involve kidsThe Nintendo Switch appears to signal a switch in strategy for a company that has, to this point, made kids its target demographic
A surprise sex change casts a light on gaming’s inequalityHow can the gaming industry root out sexism? Changing players’ virtual sex might be a start.
U.S. college adds varsity gaming teamLike athletes, League of Legends players will get coaching and scholarships
Does Wii have a problem with U?Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are struggling to reinvent video games as touchscreens and tablets take over the living room
What students are talking about today (November 6th edition)Obama’s odds, no-money-down tuition, Halo 4 & a drug bust