
Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party reacts with supporters, following the result of the EU referendum, in London

After Brexit, who could be next to bolt?

The EU’s handling of the immigration file has stoked resentment of the union across the continent

Greece’s Marxist former finance minister speaks

Yanis Varoufakis’s assessment of what’s wrong with the Eurozone
Pakistani migrants arrive at the Greek island of Kos on a dinghy

For some, Kos is a holiday island. For Syrian refugees, it’s a waiting room.

On the small Greek island of Kos, a wave of desperate migrants were met by European sunbathers, weary locals and totally unprepared officials
Euro-Area Leaders Reach Greek Bailout Deal Following Overnight Negotiations

How will history judge Alexis Tsipras?

Paul Wells on a bailout deal that is a shocking—but necessary—compromise of Greece’s sovereignty
Paul Wells

The debate about democracy (whatever that means)

Paul Wells on Greece’s bailout vote and the ’essentially contested concept’ of democracy
The People Of Greece Vote In A Referendum Over Debt Bailout Terms

Is Greece’s real fallout yet to come?

It’s clear now that cuts alone won’t fix Greece’s backward and dysfunctional economy
Preparing Ballot Boxes And Voting Booths For Sunday’s Greek Referendum

A time for difficult decisions in Greece

After saying no to austerity, Greeks must realign their expectations of government so they correspond with the rest of the Western world
Yanis Varoufakis, a self-described “erratic Marxist” and Greece’s new finance minister, in Athens, Greece.

Alexis Tsipras won Greece’s referendum but gained nothing

The prime minister’s brinksmanship did too much damage to Greece’s financial system to justify the leverage he got
Riot police officer stands guard in front of the parliament building during an anti-austerity rally in Athens

The comedy, tragedy and drama of the crisis in Greece

“What is going on with Greece?” is a question many Canadians are asking. It’s a question Greeks are asking themselves, too.

Gaze upon the eyes of ancient Greece

The Canadian Museum of History debuts a huge exhibit exposing the lives behind the ancients who have held our imaginations in thrall