Hamid Karzai


Trump is right: Afghanistan isn’t a lost cause

Young, educated Afghans are working to reclaim the country—and they need help now, more than ever, even as the U.S. debates its Afghanistan strategy

Why Hamid Karzai deserves a break

It was on his watch that Afghanistan was transformed for the better
Afghanistan Elections

Counting on trouble in Afghanistan

Voting was a hit, but ethnic rivalries and the Taliban could yet derail the election before the results are in

Why Hamid Karzai can’t be beaten

The staying power of Afghanistan’s unlikely leader

Fawzia Koofi on Afghanistan’s fragile future

The parliamentarian and women’s rights advocate hopes for peaceful elections

Hamid Karzai: No strings attached

Karzai’s new anti-U.S. stance is driven by a desire to leave office as a peacemaker, not a puppet
Bad news

Good news, bad news: Sept. 22-29

Saudi Arabia grants women the right to vote, U.S.-Pakistani relations deteriorate further