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My Escape From Iran

I worked at a prosperous medical clinic in Iran. When the protests began, the regime came for me. This is how I escaped.

This Iranian-Canadian food stylist is raising awareness with these stunning dishes

In her most recent work, Armita Hosseini has turned her attention to the uprising in her home country of Iran, using food as a vehicle for awareness as part of #CookForIran
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I helped organize the Mahsa Amini protests in Toronto. It was a full-circle moment.

“The best way for Canadians to help is to remember and amplify. The Iranian government wants the world to forget what it’s done.”
The falsified passport bearing Alizadeh’s face and the name Elina Adamlani.

Mahnaz Alizadeh, betrayed by human smugglers, is vindicated

Her attempts to reach Canada left her in a Brazilian prison. A court there has finally cleared her name and convicted a Canadian-Iranian man of human trafficking.
Mahnaz Alizadeh

Escape from Iran

Fake passports, river crossings and big money: Mahnaz Alizadeh’s desperate struggle to find refuge in Canada
Nawal Talebi playing the piano (nawal_piano/instagram)

Iran, where national security means confiscating a girl’s piano

Fifteen-year-old Nawal Talebi saw her parents imprisoned and her beloved musical instrument carted off as Tehran steps up its persecution of minorities

The time for Trudeau to draw a line with Trump

Tom Parkin: Canada has quietly tolerated trade attacks, tariffs and border trouble. But rising Middle East tensions present a more immediate threat.
Building a Sustainable Future

Michael McCain takes the era of the outspoken CEO to the next level

Jason Kirby: After a colleague of the Maple Leaf Foods CEO lost his family in the Iran plane attack, McCain trained his ire on Trump

Donald Trump gets impeached—57 Canadians die

Scott Gilmore: There are effects of the Trump presidency. Some will be felt in the decades to come, others are immediate and tragic.

To those who have perished since the Iranian Revolution

Marina Nemat: The time for democracy and fundamental change will come if war does not set fire to Iran