Jane Philpott

Jane Philpott listens to an address at the B.C. Assembly of First Nations in Vancouver Sept. 19, 2019. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

Money won’t fix our health care

Jane Philpott: Politicians won’t move the needle on health care policy if they’re punished for it in the polls. Time to look elsewhere.
A protest march for Joyce Echaquan in Montreal on Oct. 3, 2020 (CP/Mario Beauregard)

A call to end racism in Canada’s health care systems

Jane Philpott: We don’t need more studies; we need action. We must seize this moment in history and act to prevent more senseless deaths.

’Public officials should be obsessed with protecting the health workers who will keep people alive’

Jane Philpott: That means frontline workers having access to PPE, rapidly expanding the health workforce in creative ways, and the provinces and territories working together to produce consistent and timely data
Jane Philpott and follow doctor Melanie Henry at the Markham Stouffville Hospital COVID-19 Assessment Centre. (Jane Philpott)

Dispatches from the coronavirus front lines: ’I am afraid of what lies ahead for humanity’

Jane Philpott describes her first few shifts working on the COVID-19 front lines at Markham Stouffville Hospital

Expanding eligibility for MAID should not be rushed

Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould: Medical assistance in dying is complex and deeply personal. Is there enough medical and social evidence to understand the implications of an expanded law?

The climate crisis is our biggest public health threat

Jane Philpott and Samantha Green: To tackle a global climate catastrophe, we should study how society has successfully faced other health crises

National pharmacare—the time is now

Jane Philpott and Danyaal Raza: Medicare effectively ends as soon as a patient receives a prescription

What I learned as a first-time cabinet minister

Jane Philpott: Ask intelligent questions and truly declare your mind and your opinion, as you swore you would do

The unfulfilled promise of Jane Philpott

After enduring a loss, Jane Philpott wanted to be brave. If not for herself, for the young women who looked up to her.

Jane Philpott faces long odds of re-election

Philippe J. Fournier: An exclusive 338Canada/Mainstreet poll has the Liberals with the lead in Markham-Stouffville and the Independent in third place