Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn Attends Islington North Count And Declaration

Jeremy Corbyn’s defeat is a win for the democratic world

Terry Glavin: Britain will not be yanked out of the western alliance. Its leader will not be a man who has counted holocaust deniers among his friends. It’s a victory of sorts.

The Britain I knew is lost

Michael Coren: This once resilient country is in a state of crisis, sinking in a national mood of powerlessness and indifference
Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, speaks at an election rally in Colwyn Bay

The U.K. election: Six things to help make sense of the outcome

From the surge in young voters to what the results means for Brexit to Boris Johnson’s next move, here are the key takeaways

U.K. Election: Theresa May to form government of "certainty"

Theresa May confirmed she will attempt to form a government with the Democratic Unionist Party after failing to win a majority in the June 8 U.K. general election.

How Theresa May doomed her campaign

British Prime Minister Theresa May called it the most important election in a generation but campaigned like she didn’t care. Voters noticed.
Britain Election

Jeremy Corbyn wins, even when he loses

Labour did not win the U.K. election, but its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, owned the night

U.K. election 2017: Live results map

An exit poll indicates Theresa May’s Conservatives may have failed to retain a majority
Trump addresses CPAC in Oxon Hill in Maryland

Donald Trump’s vulgar reply to the London attacks

By repeating propaganda lines and preying on fears, politicians on both the far right and left continue to disgrace themselves

Are Theresa May’s Tories about to blow the U.K. election?

Britain’s Conservatives held a huge poll lead going into the election—but they’re losing ground to Labour. What’s going on?

Theresa May’s cold election calculus

Leah McLaren on how the British prime minister’s surprise election call was a piece of risky political choreography