Jim Balsillie

Justin Trudeau;

Why does Trudeau keep sucking up to foreign tech companies?

Despite the PM’s love for Silicon Valley, relying on foreign tech firms for jobs risks turning Canada into a branch-plant economy
Chris Sorensen

Canada’s real economic challenge? Innovation.

A new report shows that Canada isn’t pulling its weight in fostering innovative, globally competitive companies, writes Chris Sorensen
Trashed Blackberry phones sit in a bucket during the NBC Today Show in New York

BlackBerry blow-up: How a leadership rift ripped RIM apart

An excerpt of ’Losing the Signal: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of BlackBerry,’ on the fatal division between Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie

How Jim Balsillie plans on selling the North

For just one time, Jim Balsillie would take the Northwest Passage—in the hopes of finding sovereignty in the Arctic, tourism and jobs

Cover story preview: Selling the North

For Jim Balsillie, finding the Franklin expedition was the beginning of bigger goals in the Arctic

Balsillie behind efforts to display Erebus bell to public

A 3D replica of the first artifact recovered from HMS Erebus is going on display — and credit goes to BlackBerry’s billionaire former co-CEO
Missing image

York turns down $30 million

Professors feared influence of RIM-founder’s think tank
Research In Motion

RIM co-founder Jim Balsillie resigns

Company posts its first quarterly loss since 2005
The fall of the BlackBerry titans

The fall of the BlackBerry titans

Strategic blunders, reckless pride and bad luck unravelled it all
rim ceos rotator

Farewell, then, Lazaridis and Balsillie

RIM’s co-CEOs are taking a big step away from the spotlight