Joseph Boyden


Adoption is not a passport to an Indigenous community

Opinion: At the core of Joseph Boyden’s essay on his identity is the ’tried and tired’ idea of adoption as passport
Joseph Boyden (Photograph by Jacob C Boynton)

My name is Joseph Boyden

Being Indigenous isn’t all about DNA. It’s about who you claim, and who claims you.

How the Steven Galloway affair became a CanLit class war

A petition. A counter-petition. Apologies. Accusations. Canada’s most beloved authors have found themselves embroiled in an ugly controversy

How Chanie Wenjack chose Joseph Boyden

Artists of all stripes are creating new works to honour the little boy who ran away from residential school 50 years ago this month. Here’s why.

Joseph Boyden imagines Chanie Wenjack’s final, terrible hours

A spellbinding account of Chanie Wenjack, the Anishinaabe boy who died escaping a residential school

Why Chanie Wenjack’s story might finally get action

With the full force of his influence, and with help from friends, Gord Downie may help Canadians see the dark legacy of residential schools

Joseph Boyden’s seven love songs for Gord Downie

Award-winning author Joseph Boyden’s emotional reflection on his relationship with The Hip’s Gord Downie—and ours, too

Canada to the Tragically Hip: ’We got your back, guys’

Award-winning novelists Joseph and Amanda Boyden on a nation’s love for the ’imperfectly perfect’ Tragically Hip
Attawapiskat 20111129

The true tragedy of Attawapiskat

Award-winning author Joseph Boyden reflects on his love for places like Attawapiskat, and the desperate need for investment and education
Royal Winnipeg Ballet.  Going Home Star.  Photograph by Rejean Brandt

Watch: Truth, reconciliation, and art’s ability to heal

Missed the talk? Watch the National Arts Centre’s panel on art and reconciliation right here