Kevin O'Leary

Paul Wells

Why the Conservative Party should remain optimistic

The Tory leadership candidates are all running from the Harper legacy—in extreme and ugly ways. Why none of it spells disaster for the next leader.
Candidates Participate In The Federal Conservative Leadership Debate

Google search data proves it: the Tory leadership race is dull

The search engine giant’s data suggests Conservative leadership candidates are having a hard time standing out in the crowded race

Kevin O’Leary’s a genius...or not: Ottawa power rankings

After withdrawing his PC leadership bid, Kevin O’Leary could be down...or up.

Is Quebec really the Florida of Canadian elections?

No matter what Kevin O’Leary says, the Tories don’t need Quebec to win Canada

Michael Chong on Kevin O’Leary quitting the Tory leadership race

Chong says Maxime Bernier’s ’extreme vision’ would hand Trudeau’s Liberals the next election
Kevin O’Leary

Farewell to Kevin O’Leary, a man who didn’t come back for you

The many reasons Kevin O’Leary had no shot at the Conservative leadership—and the missteps he’s made, even since dropping out
Bernier, O’Leary

O’Leary’s campaign chair: Tories need a unifier, not a disruptor

Michael Coates says that judgment was behind O’Leary’s surprise decision to drop out of the race
Kevin O’Leary

Clown down: The post-O’Leary Conservatives

To the Tories who were seriously supporting O’Leary: What were you thinking? To the rest: What are you going to do now?

What’s the deal with Kevin O’Leary?

He spends most of his time in the U.S. He doesn’t speak French. Yet the reality star and businessman is a frontrunner of the Conservative leadership race.
Kevin O’Leary

Inside Kevin O’Leary’s investing fund misadventure

O’Leary has built his political image on his success as a businessman, but one venture ended in uneven returns, unhappy employees and multiple lawsuits