Kevin Vickers

Maryland National Guard members stand guard around the Russell Senate Office Building a day after a pro-Trump mob broke into the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 07, 2021 (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The attack on the Capitol and how to protect ’the home of the people’

Former Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers talks to Marie-Danielle Smith about the difficult balance between security and openness, and the dangers of building walls

Kevin Vickers, man of mystery

Canada’s famous ambassador and his quest to uncover a link to the 1916 Easter Rising

’This is Kevin Vickers. Now he’s tackling our protesters in Ireland’

A historian who was sitting behind Kevin Vickers when the ambassador to Ireland tackled a protester at a ceremony in Dublin describes how events unfolded
Paul Wells

The Pharaoh’s palace guard

Autocratic whim may be all right for monuments, but not for re-organizing Parliamentary security
Shooting 20141023

Newsmaker of the day: Kevin Vickers becomes our man in Ireland

Newsmakers, Jan. 8: Kevin Vickers becomes an ambassador
Samearn Son Andrew Scheer

Newsmakers of the day: Parliament’s security officers

’We are all, without question, in their debt’
Ottawa Shooting 20141023

Kevin Vickers, the reluctant hero

Saluted by leaders at home and abroad, Kevin Vickers has become a meaningful symbol of strength and resilience
Paul Dewar

Ottawa shooting: NDP MP Paul Dewar talks about Kevin Vickers

’He’s a very playful guy ... He is a gentle giant’
Aaron Wherry

Our House gets back to its business

We are here and here we are