Keystone XL

Alberta is investing $1.1 billion in the disputed Keystone XL pipeline, a project that Kenney says is crucial for the province's economy. (Alik Keplicz/AP/CP)

What if Jason Kenney is secretly working to undermine Alberta’s oil and gas industry? A conspiracy theory.

Max Fawcett: The decisions Kenney’s government have made lately has only caused greater scrutiny over the province’s $1.5 billion investment in the Keystone XL pipeline
APTOPIX Keystone Pipeline Leak

Why the Keystone spill poses a serious problem for the whole oil sands sector

Opinion: What started as a single campaign against Keystone now amounts to a categorical rejection of the whole oil sands business
Washington Pipeline Protest

Why it’s time to rethink pipeline protests

Opposing the supply of oil won’t reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. What if we harnessed innovation and reduced demand, instead?
TransCanada NAFTA Keystone 20160625

U.S. Secretary of State recuses himself from Keystone XL decision

Rex Tillerson, who had a long career in the oil industry, stepped away from the Keystone file last month
Jim Prentice

How to make Canada an energy superpower

Before a plane crash took his life, Jim Prentice co-authored a book arguing energy, First Nations and climate-change policies could be reconciled
Justin Trudeau

It’s time for clarity on Canada’s climate and energy policy

The Liberals should admit that its commitment to carbon reduction is increasingly untenable, writes a former TransCanada exec
Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Dallas

Trump has forced the left and right to ask: What do we stand for?

For the Conservatives and the NDP, both in the midst of leadership races, the new U.S. president’s policies have triggered a serious identity crisis. Call it the Trump test.
Donald Trump

Trump’s bulldozer diplomacy meets pipeline politics

Donald Trump has ordered the fast-tracking of the Keystone XL pipeline—charging into Canada’s delicate dance with those opposed
Obama Keystone

Donald Trump signs order on Keystone XL oil pipeline

The pipeline remains far from a done deal: there’s ongoing uncertainty on multiple fronts, including potential legal and political fights
TransCanada NAFTA Keystone 20160625

Trump: News on scuppered Keystone XL coming soon

Remark came from interview with the president-elect on Fox News