

The race to save the abandoned chimps of ’Monkey Island’

CityNews reports on Liberian chimps who’ve survived medical experiments, Ebola and starvation
Missing image

Deported refugee fears for his life in Liberia

Removed from Canada, Cindor Reeves worried that Liberian assassins would try to kill him. They are.
American Warlord. A True Story by Johnny Dwyer.

The true story of an American warlord: Book review

American Warlord is required reading for human rights advocates, even if it occasionally tumbles into laborious minutiae, writes reviewer Michael Fraiman

Rolling the dice in Liberia

Gambling in Liberia, both literally and figuratively—either way, it’s foreigners taking in all the chips and reaping rewards while locals look on
Charles Taylor

Top gun runner for Charles Taylor arrested in Freetown

Ibrahim Bah acted as a liaison for the former Liberian dictator
Civil War In Liberia

Bill Horace: Accused in Liberia, living in Toronto

A former Liberian army rebel commander accused of war crimes is under investigation in Canada
Sierra Leone Taylor

Charles Taylor and the tarnished pursuit of justice

When old Nazi collaborators are found here, our government responds. Not so when an alleged African war criminal is discovered

The government’s case against Cindor Reeves stinks

4,000 pages of documents confirm Ottawa has no dirt on him