
The Bow Street Horse Patrol became part of Peel’s London Metropolitan police force in 1836 (Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

The case for police reform in the style of 1820s London

Jen Gerson: It’s difficult for someone today, subject to countless videos of police abuse, to wrap our heads around this idea—but the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 created a liberal institution

Where people fall from the sky

It’s Christmas in South West London, a charming and ordinary area but for the lives and deaths of certain travellers. Shannon Gormley reports.
The Triforium, Westminster Abbey

At Westminster Abbey, a historic tower addition unlocks royal treasures

The London landmark may not be hosting a royal wedding, but history is still being made: the first new structural addition in centuries will reveal ’the best view in Europe’
G20 Nations Hold Hamburg Summit

Donald Trump wanted ’America First.’ He got ’America alone.’

Scott Gilmore: Trump cancelling his trip to Britain is a watershed moment, marking a sad decline of the ’Special Relationship’ and American power
German Court Bans Uber Service Nationwide

Has Uber finally hit a regulatory wall?

Uber’s swift expansion has pitted it against governments for years. Most of the time, it wins. Now, things are different.
A police officer carries flowers to leave alongside of messages near to where a van was driven at muslims in Finsbury Park, North London

London mosque attack: ’No ifs, no buts, this is a terrorist attack’

This was an attack on a great London success story of active cultural integration and community spirit

After the Grenfell inferno, a whole new terror

Tormented survivors wait for news of friends and family : ’I can still hear the screaming in my head two days later,’ says one.
Britain London Fire

The tragic story of the Grenfell Tower inferno

London is no stranger to economic inequality, but the story of Grenfell Tower is a particularly chilling one
Trump addresses CPAC in Oxon Hill in Maryland

Donald Trump’s vulgar reply to the London attacks

By repeating propaganda lines and preying on fears, politicians on both the far right and left continue to disgrace themselves

A timeline of U.K. terror attacks

By the numbers: A look at all the terrorist attacks that have hit the United Kingdom since the 1970s