Friend rentals and robots: How businesses are creating solutions for the loneliness epidemicCompanionship and cuddles are on sale as ’the loneliness economy’ takes off amidst a spike in the rate of isolation
Students are lonelier than everLoneliness is a silent resident on post-secondary campuses. Why aren’t we talking about it?
The new Food Guide’s best advice: eat with othersPeter Shawn Taylor: There’s plenty of evidence that if we follow this simple advice, we won’t need governments telling us what to eat in the first place
Why we should talk about masculinity more oftenOn issues like friendship, loneliness, and education, it’s vital for men to openly interrogate masculinity’s core precepts, writes Tabatha Southey
The sadness that can lurk beneath the holiday cheerOpinion: There remains a reluctance to seek support for loneliness—and that can have real consequences
Donald Trump and our crisis of lonelinessScott Gilmore: Surveys reveal that people are living increasingly isolated existences, and it may help explain the rise of far-right politics
All the lonely old peopleAn epidemic of loneliness is Britain’s ‘national shame’ and a growing health crisis among the elderly
Amiel: I’m hearing a lot about lonelinessDaul Kim, 20, had lots of friends and was hugely successful. Still, she felt ‘like a ghost.’