Chalk and awe: Why professors are going wild over a cult chalkMathematicians are paying big bucks to stockpile the Hagoromo chalk from Japan, which some have called ’the nectar of the gods’
Canadian students have more math class, lower test scoresMore class time is pointless if the curriculum isn’t up to par
Girls good at math half as likely to study science or math at universityWomen are avoiding some of the most lucrative degrees
Adding up the ways we’re falling behind in educationA new study shows Canadians may be handy with computers, but we’re terrible at math
Waldorf closes, the Mad Minute & Carleton discrimination What students are talking about today (January 11th)
Emma Teitel: ’I am a 23-year-old woman who can’t do math’Why is illiteracy considered a legitimate deficit, while innumeracy is seen as a punchline condition?
Tarnished Silver: Assessing the new king of statsNate Silver’s attackers don’t know what they’re talking about. (Nor do his defenders)
Xs of evil: America’s algebra crisisColby Cosh on why math stirs passions, raises fears, fuels debate