med school

medical school

Wanted: well-rounded medical students

Good news for arts majors interested in medicine

A doctor by age 24?

It may be possible at Queen’s in 2013


Should med school be free in Canada?

A solution to Canada’s doctor shortage?

Grad school: not just a plan B for med school applicants

What you need to know about MD-PhD programs


The arts are useless and science is uncreative

Would you want your heart surgeon to be a ‘creative entrepreneur’?


Manitoba incentive programs aren’t about students

New programs for medical and law students are about getting professionals where they’re needed, not student aid

A problem with free education

Post-grad obligations for medical students could create a two-tiered system

graphing calculator, calculator, Christmas gift

The anti-wish list

The top three things I don’t want for Christmas


Med school needs to help students lay off Ritalin

Prescription-drug dependencies can have severe consequences later in life

Thinking about med school?

Here’s what you need to know


McMaster is watching you

…and your keyboard.

Doctors, med students, medical school

More doctors on the way

Ontario government announces 75 new residency positions